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Writer's pictureDundee & Angus ACEs Hub

A 2000 piece jigsaw

Updated: Oct 10, 2018

Two weeks feels like a lifetime ago already. When over 2000 people came together to find their own piece in a giant jigsaw of ACE Awareness. Those pieces came in so many different shapes and sizes, some big ones with lots of holes for others to connect into, some with links to give to others, and some like me; a small piece, not sure if I had anything to give or able to connect enough to fit this puzzle at all.

I am not a professional, in anything, I have no ACE’s; so what could I do?

My mind hasn’t stopped working since the conference in Glasgow. Listening to so many interesting people who delivered their stories, hopes and dreams in a way that you couldn’t help but be inspired by and morph your jigsaw piece each time you heard the next quote or story.

My jigsaw piece was growing!

Whilst we heard about all the great things everyone was doing and the achievements they had made, the overwhelming message for me was that relationships are the key to the success of this movement in Scotland. By understanding the Science and Biology of the effects of ACE’s we can build our foundations, but by promoting the importance of Care, Relationships, Kindness and Compassion in our families, communities and wider society we can build our village on them.

Amongst the speakers were people from children’s charities, schools, Public Health, the criminal and justice sector, Scottish Government, training providers, a Psychologist, a Doctor and various campaigners, all whose message was that Relationships are the key. Relationships can heal, bridge communication gaps, give support, build resilience and guide people away from a path of destruction.

Dr. Nadine Burke Harris told us that “Safe, stable, nurturing relationships and environments are healing for children” and by providing an adult buffer we can minimize the effects of stress on their bodies. She asked us to re-commit everyday to working together to reach our goal.

Sir Harry Burns left us knowing that “Scotland’s future depends on every child being able to achieve everything they can to achieve.” By nurturing all children and young people we meet we can help them believe in themselves, despite where they come from. We need to treat them as equals, with respect, with love and care and really try to change things, from the inside, out.

We heard Nicky Murray talk about how things work in his school, it’s not about ACE’s, it’s about wellbeing. Allowing people to make mistakes and forgive them, of yourself and of others. It’s about respect, for yourself and for others, and it’s about GRIT; to do the best you can.

As I reflect on what I heard and came away with, it seems to me that it simply comes down to just a few key words;


And thankfully, these are things we can all offer on some level to everyone we meet.

I found the best part, for me, was being able to spend time with people who share your desire to do what you can, help each other, share your thoughts, questions and dreams…..and I made new friends!!!

There seems to be some debate in Scotland about routine screening for ACE’s, and whether or not Mindfulness really is the right thing to be offering to those who have suffered trauma.

As I said, I’m no expert or professional, so I will leave those debates to those who know more, but one thing I do know, and the one jigsaw piece I have to give, is being able to #bethatperson for anyone who needs me.

Jenni Whyte

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1 Comment

Oct 09, 2018

Love the analogy, I took away the same key point as you #connection #relationships #nurture and #love and friendships.

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